E black friday la BITCOIN 🙂 se aproprie de pretul de $4000! Important de stiut e faptul ca pretul bitcoinului, ca sa fie rentabil pentru minerii care aproba tranzactiile si castiga in schimb bitcoini, trebuie sa fie undeva peste 3500-4000 de dolari ca sa isi poata plati cheltuielile cu electricitatea si etc.
Asadar … daca pretul bitcoin-ului scade sub pretul de rentabilitate … sunt doua variante si anume ori se duce dracu de tot la 2 lei 3 lei, ori investitorii mari in bitcoin vor incepe sa profite de pretul bun la care a ajuns si vor incepe sa pompeze bani, astfel va putea incepe o noua perioada de cresteri.
PS: Daca doriti sa investiti in bitcoin sau alte criptomonede, va recomand platforma https://goo.gl/S8nz4W. De asemenea, OPTIONAL, pentru profesionisti, le recomand si pe urmatoarele:
- Invest in crypto – https://goo.gl/UiUHAv or https://goo.gl/6NFtXi
- Make a cryptocurrency wallet – https://bit.ly/304BqkW or https://goo.gl/VRF2T3
- Cumpara cu cardul – https://goo.gl/qoHJV7 or https://goo.gl/WB3dCp
- Exchange – https://bit.ly/38Zy4UK, or https://goo.gl/Qr1D7Y
Voi ce spuneti ca se va intampla ? Astept mesajele si pronosticurile voastre in sectiunea de comentarii! Sunt foarte curios sa le aflu!
ATENTIE: Past performance is not an indication of future results. Also, leveraged products can carry a high degree of risk. eToro offers protective measures to manage risk effectively, but in rare occasions it is possible to lose more money than invested. This content is for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice nor portfolio management.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. Also, leveraged products can carry a high degree of risk. eToro offers protective measures to manage risk effectively, but in rare occasions it is possible to lose more money than invested. This content is for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice nor portfolio management.