Stimati clienti,
In contextul inceperii, marti dimineata, a unei investigatii privind activitatea noastra, suntem in situatia neplacuta de a sista temporar serviciul de exchange.
In plus, incepand de astazi, conturile noastre bancare sunt blocate, situatie ce afecteaza si portofelele CoinFlux. Ii asiguram pe clientii nostri ca facem tot ceea ce ne sta in puteri, impreuna cu avocatii nostri, ca banii ce au fost depozitati in portofelele CoinFlux sa fie returnati in conturile bancare ale clientilor nostri.
O alta consecinta neplacuta a evenimentelor din ultimele zile este fapul ca accesul nostru la anumite parti ale platformei a fost limitat. Prin urmare, suntem in imposibilitatea de a transmite aceasta notificare prin intermediul canalelor obisnuite: e-mail si website. Ne asteptam sa reluam controlul complet al acestor canale de comunicare in urmatoarele zile.
Suntem constienti ca aceasta situatie este ingrijoratoare pentru toti cei ce ne-au acordat increderea lor si va asiguram ca vom face tot ceea ce ne sta in puteri sa remediem aceasta situatie injusta.
Vom reveni cu informatii pe masura ce avem noutati.
Echipa Coinflux
English Version:
Dear customers,
Due to a recently started, unexpected investigation, we are in the unpleasant situation of temporarily stopping any digital currency exchanges.
Unfortunately, our company’s bank accounts have been frozen, situation which affects the CoinFlux wallets as well. We are doing all possible efforts, along with our legal advisers, to make sure everyone who had money deposited in CoinFlux wallets gets it back.
Another unpleasant consequence of the investigation is the fact that our access to some parts of our platform has been restricted, thus we are unable to send this announcement through the usual communication channels: e-mail and website. Our expectation is that we will gain control back, within the next days.
We are aware that this is a worrisome situation for the people who have placed their trust in our service, and we assure each and every one of them that we will do everything that’s up to us to fix this unfair situation.
We will get back to you with updates on the progress,
Team CoinFlux