Will Facebook Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency?
The cryptosphere was abuzz over the weekend as word broke out on Friday that Facebook was reportedly planning to create its own cryptocurrency. The social media giant is “very serious” …
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The cryptosphere was abuzz over the weekend as word broke out on Friday that Facebook was reportedly planning to create its own cryptocurrency. The social media giant is “very serious” …
Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, has explained in a recent OmiseGO AMA session that with second-layer solutions such as Sharding and Plasma, the Ethereum network will eventually be able …
Read More “Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum Will Eventually Achieve 1 Million”
Autoritățile financiare elvețiene au anunțat că ofertele inițiale de criptomonede (ICO) vor fi reglementate fie ca activități ce cad sub incidența legilor privind combaterea spălării banilor, fie ca active financiare. …
1. What is this all about? Blockchains are slow. And therefore, expensive. If I had to send you some Bitcoins, you’d receive them in about a couple of hours and I’d have …
Bitcoin is the entry point for those who are unaware of what cryptocurrency is but just heard of its growth and great earning potential for traders and investors. By the …
Fire Lotto is a modern blockchain lottery as simple and understandable as traditional lotteries are. 20 facts about Fire Lotto: Click here to invest in FireLotto ICO! 1. 100% decentralized …
Read More “Interesting ICO – Fire Lotto International blockchain lottery”